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Honkai Star Rail The Herta Build Guide: Relics, Light Cones & Teams

Honkai Star Rail The Herta Build Guide: Relics, Light Cones & Teams

2025/01/14Game Guides

With the release of Honkai Star Rail Version 3.0 and the introduction of a brand new planet - Amphoreus, we will have the chance to meet and roll for the true from of the Emanator of Erudition, the illustrious aloof Genius and one of the strongest Erudition characters to date - The Herta (also known as Big Herta).

the herta hsr

In this guide, we will go over the best builds, lightcones, teams and relics for the aloof genius The Herta and show you how to turn The Herta into one of the best AoE DPS characters in the game.

Basic Introduction

The Herta is an Ice Element Character following the Path of Erudition. She is an extremely powerful AoE attacker capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to all enemies in front of her, allowing her to quickly end the battle as quickly as possible.

hsr the herta





5-star (Limited)



Main DPS

The Herta’s gameplay revolves around her 3 main mechanics:

- When entering battle or attacking, The Herta will inflict a stack of "Interpretation" on all enemies. Once the "Interpretation" stack reaches 42 stacks in total, she will deal massive amounts of damage to enemies with her attacks. In addition, each time she attacks, she will gain stacks of unique buff, granting her an Ultimate Damage increase.

- When The Herta has all her necessary buffs and inflicted enough "Interpretation" on the enemies and accumulated enough energy, she will be able to use her Ultimate to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies and grants herself a buff that changes her Skill to an Enhanced Skill.

- The Herta’s Enhanced Skill deals massive amounts of damage proportional to the amount of her debuff stacks on the enemy, enhanced further if there's an additional Erudition character alongside The Herta on the field.

Trace Priorities

The Herta is a main DPS character with a heavy emphasis on dealing Skill and Ultimate damage to all enemies and inflicting her own unique debuff to enhance her damage dealt. Therefore, it is important for you to focus on her Skill, Ultimate and Talent  Traces.

the herta talent

The Herta’s main damage output comes from both her Ultimate and Skill, so leveling these up takes priority when leveling up her trace. Additionally, the higher her Talent level is, the more potent her debuff becomes, so leveling it up will also prove beneficial.

Overall, in terms of priorities, you should prioritize leveling up The Herta’s traces in this order: Skill > Ultimate > Talent >> Normal Attacks.

Bonus Abilities

All three of The Herta’s bonus abilities are crucial for her to make a strong Main DPS in the team:

- Her 1st Bonus Ability grants allows The Herta to inflict the enemies with her unique debuff whenever someone on the team attacks, and regenerates 3 energy for herself, helping to get her Ultimate up quicker. In addition, when attacking an enemy with 42 stacks of her debuff with an Enhanced Skill, she will enjoy a massive 50% Damage boost for that attack.

- Her 2nd Bonus Ability grants her party a 80% Crit Damage boost when there’s 2 Erudition Characters in the party (including The Herta) and massively enhances the effect of her 1st bonus ability when the ally hits 3 enemies at the same time.

- Finally, her 3rd Bonus Ability grants The Herta a unique buff everytime her debuff is inflicted on the enemy, granting her a 1% Ultimate Damage buff, stacking up to 99 times.

You should get all 3 of her Bonus Ability as soon as possible as they all contribute to The Herta’s kit and her utility in battle.

Best Light Cones for The Herta Builds

The Herta Best in Slot Light Cone is of course, her signature Light Cone - Into the Unreachable Veil - and the Light Cone will be rerun alongside The Herta’s rerun banner in version 3.0

- Into the Unreachable Veil (5-star Limited Light Cone):

Into the Unreachable Veil the herta light cone hsr

Effect: Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 12%. When the wearer uses their Ultimate, increases DMG dealt by the wearer's Skill and Ultimate by 60%, lasting for 3 turn(s). After the wearer uses their Ultimate, if this Ultimate consumed 140 or more Energy, recovers 1 Skill Point.

For Alternative Lightcones, you can consider the following options if they can not give The Herta her signature Light Cone:

- Before Dawn (5-star Limited Light Cone):

Before Dawn

Effect: Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36%. Increases DMG dealt by the wearer's Skill and Ultimate by 18%. After the wearer uses Skill or Ultimate, gains Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, consumes Somnus Corpus, and increases DMG dealt by follow-up attack by 48%. It is signature light cone of Jing Yuan and it also great on The Herta.

- Eternal Calculus (5-star Free Light Cone):

Eternal Calculus the herta light cone

Effect: Increases the wearer's ATK by 8%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 4%. This effect can stack up to 5 times and last until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 8%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Relics, Ornaments & Stats


For The Herta’s best set of Relics, we should aim for a 4 piece Scholar Lost In Erudition set, which is her best in slot Relic Set by far.

- Scholar Lost In Erudition

Scholar Lost In Erudition the herta relics

2-Pc: Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.

4-Pc: Increases DMG dealt by Skill and Ultimate by 20%. After using Ultimate, additionally increases the DMG dealt by the next Skill by 25%.


For Ornaments, The Herta’s BiS Ornament is Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm, which boost her ATK and grants her Crit Rate% whenever there’s an additional Erudition Character in the same party with her, who she needed in the party to activate her bonus abilities and additional effects anyway.

- Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm

Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm the herta ornaments

2-Pc: Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. When entering battle, if at least one teammate follows the same Path as the wearer, then the wearer's CRIT Rate increases by 12%.

Recommended Main & Sub Stats

For Main Stats, Players should aim for these main stats on their Relics & Ornaments:

- Body: Crit Rate/Crit Damage%

- Feet: Speed or Attack%

- Planar Sphere: Ice Damage Bonus%

- Link Rope: Attack%

For Sub Stats, Players should aim for these sub stats for all of The Herta’s Relics & Ornaments Pieces:

Crit Rate% = Crit Damage% = Attack% > Attack > Speed

It is important to note that there are a few stats benchmarks we should hit when building The Herta in order to ensure that she can reach her fullest potential in battle:

- You should aim for a 1/2 Crit rate to Crit damage ratio, with a heavier emphasis on Crit Rate% as The Herta’s Bonus Ability grants her a massive 80% Crit Damage increase by itself and she can be run with other Crit Damage boosting supports. However, if you are already reaching around 80% crit rate, then invest in her Crit Damage is better.

- Since all of The Herta’s abilities scales with her ATK stat, we should aim to get her Attack stat as high as possible.

- When running in a team with a character that can action advance The Herta, we should use ATK boots on her, otherwise, use Speed Boots on her.

The Herta Best Teams

As The Herta is an extremely powerful AoE attacker, she serves as the main DPS that players should play around buffing and supporting her so that she can deal as much damage as possible.

- The Herta Premium Team: The Herta + 1 Erudition Path Character (Jade, Argenti) + 1 Action Advance Support (Remembrance Trailblazer, Bronya, Robin) + 1 Sustain.

the herta best team


- Main DPS: The Herta serves as the Main DPS option in this team and will be the one that deals as much damage as possible to all enemies on the field with her Skills and Ultimate.

- Sub DPS (1 Erudition Character): Since The Herta’s gimmick revolves around having an additional Erudition character on the field for her effects to be active, players need to bring an Erudition character as a Sub DPS to help The Herta. Preferably, the Sub DPS character should be able to deal damage to all enemies and move quickly in order to help The Herta accumulate her debuffs on the enemy and recover energy for her Ultimate. Notable options include: Jade, Argenti, Himeko, Herta, etc.

- Support: The Support slot for The Herta team requires a support character that can action advance The Herta as much as possible while boosting her overall damage output, so some options include: Bronya, Sunday, Robin, Remembrance Trailblazer, Sparkle.

- Sustain: For the sustain spot, consider sustain characters that can hit more than 3 enemies at once, allowing The Herta to inflict more debuffs on the enemies quickly. Some healers to consider include: Lingsha, Luocha, Gallagher, etc.

For a more detailed team building, please check out our best The Herta team guide.

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The Genius Society Member #83, The Aloof Genius and the Emanator of Erudition, The Herta makes her grand debut as a 5-star Ice Elemental DPS character in version 3.0 and promises to be an extremely powerful character that will shake up the meta for those who enjoy destroying waves of enemies as swiftly as possible.

Build the strongest The Herta today with the help of LDShop cheap HSR top-up. We offer a great discount on Oneiric Shards and Bundle, especially if you are new user, there’s a another 5% off coupon.

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Don’t miss out the great value offer, top up HSR with discount now! Enjoy the Honkai Star Rail as the game heads off to its next stop - Amphoreus. 

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