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Zenless Zone Zero Vivian Materials & Pre-farm Guide: Ascension, Skill & Signature W-Engine

Zenless Zone Zero Vivian Materials & Pre-farm Guide: Ascension, Skill & Signature W-Engine

2025/03/24Game Guides

Vivian, the highly anticipated S-Rank Ether Anomaly agent in Zenless Zone Zero 1.7, is just around the corner! To ensure you’re fully prepared for her arrival, now is the perfect time to start farming her ascension materials, skill upgrades, and signature W-Engine components.

Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about gathering the resources required to unlock Vivian’s full potential.

zzz Vivian

Vivian Materials Total

To ensure Vivian is ready for fast-paced battles and seamless teamwork, it’s crucial to maximize her level and upgrade all her skills. Below is a general list of essential materials you’ll need to fully power up Vivian and unlock her full potential. Don’t miss out on these key items!

zzz vivian materials

For more detials, keep reading!

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Vivian Ascension Materials

Listed here are all the ascension materials required to level up Vivian from 0 to 60!


Ascension Materials



Basic Anomaly Certification Seal



Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal




Controller Certification Seal






Resource Items including Basic Anomaly Certification Seal, Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal and Controller Certification Seal in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) can be obtained by participating in the Combat Simulation modes within the VR Device.

zzz Combat Simulation modes

Likewise, Anomaly Component series for Signature W-Engine mentioned below can be obtained in the same way.


Vivian Skill Materials

Based on the grasp of Vivian's kit, the higher your skill level, the more fun you'll have especially when tackling the harder game levels.

Here are all the skill materials you need to fully level up all of Vivian's abilities!


Skill Materials




Basic Ether Chip




Advanced Ether Chip




Specialized Ether Chip




Ferocious Grip




Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist




Hamster Cage Pass







Ferocious Grip can be obtained from the Weekly Boss Newborn Dead End Butcher in Notorious Hunt game mode.

zzz Newborn Dead End Butcher


Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist can be obtained by complishing the new Expert Chanllenge: Rampant Brute.

zzz  Expert Chanllenge: Rampant Brute


Hamster Cage Pass is a precious item used for upgrading agents' advanced skills, and it can be obtained in three ways.

zzz Hamster Cage Pass

  • Event
  • New Eridu City Fund
  • Logistics Shop at the Scott outpost

zzz Logistics Shop at the Scott outpost

This is a treasure trove for players looking for stocking up on essential materials, like Dennies and W-engine Energy Module. The shop refreshes every month so make sure to grab what you need before the timer resets!


Vivian W-Engine Materials

To maximize the power of Vivian's Signature W-Engine, you need to prepare the following materials:


W-Engine Materials




Anomaly Component




Reinforced Anomaly Component




Specialized Anomaly Component



W-Engine Energy Module






Resource item of Anomaly Components series can be acquired in the Combat Simulation modes within the VR Device as mentioned above in [Vivian Ascention Mateials] part.


Tips for Obtaining Materials Faster

For more efficient materials acquisition, here are some tips:

1. Making use of the craft or dismantle function to convert excess materials into useful ones. This craft system is applicable for all ascension, skill and W-Engine materials.

zzz craft system


2. Turning on the Immersive mode: This mode allows players to have a deeper battle experience without advancing time in-game.

zzz  Immersive mode


3. Engaging in as higher-level fighting as possible to increase rewards.(a comparison can be seen below) However, the unlock of advanced Proxy is accompanied by higher Inter-Knot Reputation.

zzz  higher-level fighting

zzz  higher-level fighting


All the details about Vivian's materials are provided here, and we hope you find them helpful for your journey! If you’re aiming to pull Vivian as soon as she hits the banners—and at a more reasonable price—consider topping up at LDshop. LDshop is a secure, reliable platform offering fantastic deals and exclusive discounts on Zenless Zone Zero top-ups. Don’t miss your chance to add Vivian to your roster without breaking the bank. Try LDshop today and get ready to dominate the battlefield!

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Zenless Zone Zero Vivian Materials & Pre-farm Guide
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