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Pokémon TCG Pocket A2a Expansion Leak: A Present for Pokemon Day 2025

Pokémon TCG Pocket A2a Expansion Leak: A Present for Pokemon Day 2025

2025/02/24Gaming News

The Pokémon brand has had a significant impact on pop culture and entertainment, which is why February 27th is celebrated as Pokémon Day every year. With Pokémon Day approaching, a series of new events will be officially announced. Keep reading and check out the upcoming update A2a Expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket!

Pokemon Day 2025 A2a


A2a Expansion Release Time

A2a Expansion will release on February 28th, 2025.

and the trailer is scheduled for Thursday the 27th, at 2pm UTC.

Pokemon Day 2025

We're going to give you a detailed overview of what you can expect to find in the A2a Expansion below.

Please note that since the official information has not been released, the final version may differ from what is currently leaked.


A2a Expansion Cards

We do not currently know what boosters will be in A2a. If it is like A1a, there may be only one new booster. This Themed Booster Pack is an upcoming mini set to accompany the Space-Time Smackdown expansion (A2).

A2a will introduce new content to the game, such as new Pokémon, as well as synergies with old cards. Just like in A1a, also known as Mythical Island (MI), MI Rapidash and MI Golem made Brock and Blaine decks more viable.

Here are the pokemon that may appear in the new card packs,and you can get them at a satisfying price though LDShop, which is a safe and stable top-up platform.

Pokemon TCG Pocket top up



One of the most anticipated cards is the god-like Pokemon, Arceus. Arceus is technically the most powerful Pokemon of all time, so you can assume its in-game card should not be messed with. It will likely come with an elevated health pool and some super-powerful attacks.

Pokemon Arceus

Giratina Ex

Giratina may be the face of this expansion as both Dialga and Palkia were in the A2 expansion. The Renegade Pokémon remains the only member of the Creation Trio without an ex variant. In Space-Time Smackdown, Giratina’s regular card was not particularly powerful, so an ex upgrade could shift the competitive landscape.

Pokemon Giratina ex

Giratina ex might be the first Dragon-type ex card, and it may follow suit as a Darkness-type card.

Torterra Ex and Empoleon Ex

Space-Time Smackdown introduced only Infernape ex, leaving Torterra and Empoleon without their ex versions.

The EX-variant of the final evolution had a stronger version of the attack found on the regular card according to Kanto Starters. So it is expected that Torterra EX's attack could deal 200 none-consecutive damage, similar to Charizard and Charizard EX.

Torterra ex  Empoleon ex

Empoleon cards in the original TCG often feature an attack that damages the bench, like STS Empoleon’s Aqua Jet attack, which deals 80 damage to the active Pokémon and 30 to one on the bench. Empoleon's EX-variant may deal 20 more damage but heals the same amount as the regular card like GA Venusaur.

Other Possible EX Cards

Pokémon such as Heatran, Regigigas, and Shaymin could receive ex variants in A2a based on Mythical Island. Shaymin,whose “Sky Form” was revealed in Pokémon Platinum, is most likely to receive an ex variant, allowing it to adopt a more offensive role compared to its current support-oriented playstyle.

Pokemon TCG Pocket A2a

Considering that A2a is just a mini expansion update, some have speculated that A2a might incorporate Hisuian Pokémon, which seems unlikely. Many players are also looking forward to Generation 4's EX variants such as Weavile, Yanmega, Gallade, and Lickilicky. Since Froslass did not receive a card in A2, it might be released in A2a.


The Eevee Event Card

Since 2025 is the Year of Eevee,so you can get Eevee's Event Card at the Pokémon Center.

pokemon Eevee

Since Eevee doesn't have an EX card at the moment either, maybe players can expect to see a variant of Eevee in A2a to celebrate the Year of Eevee.


A3 Cards

A3 is an upcoming expansion for Pokemon Pocket TCG,and it will be released on April 30th, 2025.

There may be two new boosters in A3, and for more information, you can stay tuned to LDShop!

As these new cards roll out, you can expect a deeper, more engaging experience that will test your tactical prowess and ignite your passion for Pokémon TCG Pocket collecting! Don't forget to Choose LDShop for your discounted Poké Gold Pokemon TCG Pocket Top Up. We can offer you the best price to get A2a cards!

Pokemon TCG Pocket top up

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