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PUBGM 3.4 version update content - Blood Moon

PUBGM 3.4 version update content - Blood Moon

2024/09/18Gaming news

The PUBG Mobile 3.4 update the new Bloodmoon Awakening mode, where players can transform into vampires or werewolves, and get their unique abilities. New themed areas, Crimson Castle and Wolf Tribe Settlement, and a boss fight against Dracula are included in this new version.


New Themed Mode: Bloodmoon Awakening

Available: 2024/9/10 at 2:00—2024/11/10 at 20:59 (UTC+0)

Supported Maps: Erangel, Livik, and Sanhok (Ranked and Unranked)


Transform into a Wolf Warrior or a Vampiric Fiend and gain special abilities.

  • Transform into a Wolf Warrior with Wolf Salve:
  1. Sprint on all fours with a high top-speed after gradually accelerating.
  2. Scale vertical walls by double jumping and wall jumping.
  3. The "Howl" ability grants you and all nearby allies with a speed bonus and reduces damage taken.
  • Transform into a Vampiric Fiend with Blood Oath Extract:
  1. Grow vampire wings that grant the ability to fly swiftly over short distances for speedy maneuvers.
  2. After reaching a certain altitude, select a landing point to swoop down and strike the area, dealing damage and knocking enemies back. This will end the transformation.
  3. Fire energy bombs that unleash Crimson Gas when exploding. Enemies caught within the gas cannot use medical items.
  4. Eliminating an enemy (while in human form or Vampiric Fiend form) will generate a "Blood Orb" that quickly restores Health when touched. Vampiric Fiends are able to absorb these orbs from a distance.


New Map Areas

  • Crimson Castle:
  1. A new themed area featuring an ancient, mysterious castle. Battle to access the final reward crate sooner.
  2. The Crimson Castle alternates between day and night. A "Blood Moon" may appear at night.
  3. The castle grounds consist of many unique areas such as the gardens, wine cellar, castle interior, and more. Plenty of supplies can be found in these areas.
  4. Hide in one of the many coffins lying around. While hiding, you can observe what is happening outside the coffin.
  5. Ritual Crates in the altar room contain rich loot and the activation item for the Vampire Throne. Eliminate your enemies to get to it first.
  6. Use the Crimson Keys scattered around the map to open a temporary portal into the Crimson Castle.
  7. Use teleporters outside the Crimson Castle to quickly enter the area.
  • Wolf Settlement:
  1. An ancient werewolf settlement full of supplies. Solve puzzles to get ancestral treasures.
  2. The Wolf Settlement also alternates between day and night. At night, you can activate a puzzle via the Ancestral Statue beneath the Spirit Tree. Solve the puzzle to get high-quality rewards.
  3. There are lots of ancient areas to explore, including a tavern, station, gathering hall, the Spirit Tree, and more. Plenty of supplies can be found in the areas.
  4. Find the lost wolf spirits scattered around the settlement and touch them to send them back to the Spirit Tree. They will leave behind supplies.

New Themed Boss

Vampire Count: Dracula

  1. Pick up a Crimson Crystal from the map and shatter it to open a Crimson Rift. Interact with the rift to enter Dracula's room for battle.
  2. Dracula is very agile and will approach his prey swiftly, unleashing powerful melee attacks. To reach prey that are further away, he will turn into a bat to immediately close in on them.
  3. After defeating Dracula, he will devour the power of crimson and become frenzied.
  4. Dracula uses various ranged attacks in the frenzied state. Get behind cover to avoid them!
  5. Dracula gains a shield in the frenzied state. Break the energy orbs nearby to create space for attack.
  6. Defeat the frenzied Dracula to obtain amazing crate rewards, and a rift will appear to exit the room.

descriptNew Gameplay

  • Blood Clan Treasure Clash: Special gameplay that takes place some time after the start of a match.
  1. When it begins, all surviving teams will be separated into groups.
  2. Each group is assigned a Blood Clan Chest. Its location is only visible to members of the group.
  3. Approach the Blood Clan Chest and interact with it to activate a countdown, after which the chest can be opened to obtain amazing supplies.
  • Treasure Specter: A crate that has mutated from carrying Crimson Energy objects for a prolonged period of time.
  1. Find Gargoyle Troves on the map and activate the stone gargoyle statue within to reveal the locations of crates in the area.
  2. Some crates may turn out to be a Treasure Specter when opened.
  3. Defeat the Treasure Specter for amazing rewards.
  4. Treasure Specters will vanish and get away if they are not defeated within 30 seconds.


New Vehicles

  • Horse: A two-seater animal vehicle.
  1. It is capable of traversing complicated terrain quietly, and with ease.
  2. It has the ability to move forward on its own while evading small obstacles, and players can fire from it while mounted.
  3. It has the ability to jump and swim. Players can fire from it while mounted and follow allies.
  4. It uses stamina. When its stamina is depleted, it will only be able to walk slowly. Stop and rest to let its Health and stamina recover gradually on its own. Fuel Battery Packs do not restore a horse's stamina.
  5. You can also feed the horse apples to replenish its Health and stamina. Each player starts the match with 10 apples.
  6. After mounting a horse, you will gain a summoning item that is used to call the horse to you. Horse summoning only works within a range of 50 meters, and the summoning item will disappear if another player takes your horse.
  • Themed Vehicle - Bloodfire Warhorse: A horse infected with Crimson Energy. It has a double jump ability, but is otherwise indistinguishable from a regular horse.


New Themed Items

  • Crimson Crystal: A special crystal that can be picked up from the map. Shatter it to open a Crimson Rift that leads directly to Dracula's secret lair for battle.
  • Crimson Key: Can be picked on the map. Use it to open a temporary portal into the Crimson Castle.
  • Sealed Chest: A portable treasure chest once carried by elite vampires, now sealed with the energy of runes. Players will still carry it after respawning. Shatter the activated runes within the time limit to undo the seal on the chest and force it open.
  • Wolf Warrior Banner: After players use Wolf Salve, all eliminations will be recorded on this banner, which can be shown to other players during matches. All eliminations across matches in the version will be recorded.
  • Vampiric Fiend Banner: After players use Blood Oath Extract, all eliminations will be recorded on this banner, which can be shown to other players during matches. All eliminations across matches in the version will be recorded.

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