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Wuthering Waves Roccia Build Guide - How To Build The Strongest Roccia

Wuthering Waves Roccia Build Guide - How To Build The Strongest Roccia

2025/01/22Game Guides

With the transition to the 2nd half of the specially successful 2.0 Update Patch for Wuthering Waves, players will be bidding goodbye to the amazing Glacio DPS character Carlotta and instead will be treated with the release of a brand new character crucial to the 2.0 main story quest - Roccia - the improvisational comedian.


wuwa roccia build

In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know in order to build the best possible Roccia you possibly can with the best Weapon recommendations, the best Echoes Set to take full advantage of her abilities and what skills or abilities players should prioritize leveling up in order to reserve you resources. Don’t miss out on this amazing Havoc element Sub DPS/Support character!


Basic Introduction

Roccia is a Havoc Elemental Resonator using Gauntlets as her main type of weapon. She specializes in dealing Havoc Damage to enemies and supporting other allies with her various magic tricks, allowing her to buff allies with various beneficial buffs.

roccia build



Weapon Type


5-star (Limited)



Sub DPS/ Support

Roccia’s main gameplay revolves around her ability to accumulate Imaginary Points, which allows her to become air-borne and deal Havoc damage to enemies with her attacks and fill up her Concerto Gauge. When her gauge is filled, Roccia can switch with another Resonator, granting the incoming Resonator a massive buff to the Havoc damage they deal and help them gather enemies by launching a surprise attack at the enemy, pulling them together for an easy attack. Check Roccia’s kit if you want to know more details about her.

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Skill Level Priorities

Roccia’s skill level priorities are heavily dependent on what role the players want her to play in the team, with her Outro Skill already been maxed, so her Havoc boosting ability is already good even when not leveled. The majority of Roccia’s skill levels only affects her own damage and does not influence her support capability so if you are intending to build her as a support, you can level her skills whenever.

In terms of leveling priority, players should focus on leveling up Roccia’s Resonance Skill and Forte Circuit, as they contribute the most to Roccia’s gameplay loop and her overall damage output.

Overall, the skill level priorities should be Resonance Skill = Forte Gauge > Resonance Liberation = Normal Attacks > Intro Skill.

Bonus Stats & Inherit Skills

Roccia’s Bonus Stats and Inherit Skills are very important to her overall skill kit both in terms of damage and support capabilities, so players should prioritize unlocking all of her bonus stats and Inherit Skills nodes.

- Roccia’s first Inherit Skill grants her a sizable Attack boost when she’s using her Skill or Heavy Attack, which can help her damage output a lot.

- Roccia’s second Inherit Skill further enhances her support ability by changing the utility of the incoming Resonator after she uses her Outro Skill into a special crowd control ability that can draw enemies closer together and deal Havoc damage to them.

Both of these abilities aid Roccia massively in both her utility and offensive capabilities, so players should get them as soon as possible.


Best Weapons For Roccia

Roccia’s Best In Slot Weapon is of course her signature Gauntlets that will be rated up together with her banner during the second half of Wuthering Waves’ version 2.0 update - Tragicomedy.

- Tragicomedy (5-Star Limited Gauntlets):

roccia best weapon Tragicomedy

Main Stat: ATK

Secondary Stat: Crit Rate

Effect: Increases ATK by 12%. Every time Basic Attack or Intro Skill is cast, Heavy Attack DMG Bonus increases by 48% for 3s.

This signature weapon massively increases Roccia’s damage output potential, allowing her to have a balanced Critical Stat spread and massively enhances her Heavy Damage output - her main source of damage.

Other Alternative Weapons includes:

- Verity’s Handle (5-Star Limited Gauntlets):

wuwa roccia best weapon  Verity’s Handle

Main Stat: ATK

Secondary Stat: Crit Rate

Effect: Gain 12% Attribute DMG Bonus. When using Resonance Liberation, the wielder gains 48% Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus for 8s. This effect can be extended by 5 seconds each time Resonance Skills are cast, up to 3 times.

- Stonard (4-star Gauntlets):

roccia best weapon Stonard

Main Stat: ATK

Secondary Stat: Crit Rate

Effect: When Resonance Skill is released, increases the caster's Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus by 54%, lasting for 15s.


Best Echoes Set & Stats For Roccia

Echoes Set

As Roccia is a Havoc Sub DPS/ Support character, there are 2 ways players can build her - either as a full on Havoc DPS character to help with the damage output of others in the team or as a full blown support, focuses on helping with others and occasionally dealing damage to enemies to help.

- To fulfill both roles in a single Echo Set build, players should aim for the Midnight Veil Echo Set Effect for Roccia, which allows Roccia to deal massive amounts of Havoc damage when using her Outro Skill and grants the next ally a massive buff:

Midnight Veil

roccia echoes set Midnight Veil

- 2-pc: Havoc DMG + 10%

- 5-pc: When Outro Skill is triggered, deal additional 480% Havoc DMG to surrounding enemies, considered Outro Skill DMG, and grant the incoming Resonator 15% Havoc DMG Bonus for 15s.


Main Echoes & Stats Recommendations

For the main 4 Cost Echo that Roccia can turn into, players should aim for the Nightmare: Impermanence Heron, whose’ ability allows Roccia deal a lot of Havoc damage in a short amount of time and grants herself a Havoc and Heavy Damage Attack Boost, helping to boost her damage output.

Nightmare: Impermanence Heron

Nightmare: Impermanence Heron wuwa

CD: 25s

Effect: Transform into Nightmare: Impermanence Heron and deliver up to 10 consecutive strikes to surrounding enemies, each dealing 27% Havoc DMG. The Resonator with this Echo equipped in their main slot gains 12.00% Havoc DMG Bonus and 12.00% Heavy Attack DMG Bonus.

For Echo Main Stats, you should aim for the following stats:

- 4 Cost: Crit Damage/Crit rate%

- 3 Cost: Havoc Damage%/ Energy Regeneration%

- 1 Cost: Atk%

roccia Nightmare: Impermanence Heron

For Sub Stats, you should aim for these sub stats:

Crit Rate% = Crit Damage% = Heavy Attack Damage% > Attack% = Energy Regeneration% > Other Stats.

Important Notes:

- Players should aim for a 1/2 Crit Ratio for Roccia, if there’s enough Crit Rate, invest more on Crit Damage and vice versa.

- If players want to make a more support oriented Roccia, then a 3-Cost Energy Regeneration% Main Stat Echo is recommended.

- If players want to make a more damage oriented Roccia, then a 3-Cost Havoc Damage% Main Stat Echo is recommended.


Roccia Best Recommended Teams

With Roccia being a Havoc elemental Sub DPS and Support character, a team for Roccia will consist of the following:

roccia best team

- Main Havoc Damage DPS: Camellya, Havoc Rover

- Sub DPS/ Support: Roccia

- Sustain: Verina, Scorekeeper, Taoqi

- Main DPS: The main DPS for a Roccia oriented team needs to be a good Havoc Damage DPS character capable of taking full advantage of Roccia’s Havoc buffs. Therefore, the prime candidate for this position is Camellya as she is the best Havoc DPS character so far. Alternatively, Havoc Rover will also fit in this role.

- Sub DPS/ Support: Roccia will fill this role as her utility and abilities allow her to be a bridge between allies by both dealing Havoc damage to enemies and buffing Havoc damage for allies.

- Sustain: For the Sustain slot, players can use the usual good sustain characters for any team like Verina or Shorekeeper to help keep the team alive. However, an interesting consideration for this position is Taoqi as she is a Havoc Sustain character that can take full advantage of Roccia’s buffs as well, helping her deal more damage should players need.



An Entertainer of unparalleled abilities to bring joy and happiness to people, Roccia promises to be a very powerful addition to the Havoc Damage team lineup with her powerful Heavy Damage Attacks and amazing Havoc Damage buffs for the team, making her a must-get for any players intending to main the Havoc element as their strongest team for the upcoming Wuthering Waves Update Patches.

Are you eager to unlock the full potential of Roccia? If you’re looking to pull for Roccia but short on Lunites, head over to LDShop! We’re offering a Roccia Guarantee Bundle at an unbeatable price, making it easier than ever to get your hands on this powerful character.

Top up Lunites at LDShop and enjoy exclusive discounts that’ll help you build your dream team faster. Don’t miss this chance to elevate your gameplay with Roccia’s devastating Havoc damage. Get ready to dominate the battlefield with LDShop’s amazing offers!
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